Here are the formulas used to calculate the amount of concrete needed for your project.
All measurements are converted into feet before calculating.
Feet + ( Inches / 12 )
Ex : 5 Ft 6 IN = 5.5 FT
(Length x Width x Depth) / 27 = Cubic Yards
(Length x Width x Depth) / 27 = Cubic Yards
Linear Feet / 30 = Cubic Yards
Linear Feet / 20 = Cubic Yards
((Length x Width x .225) x Depth) / 27 = Cubic Yards
(Length x Width x Depth) / 27 = Cubic Yards
(Length x Width x Depth) / 27 = Cubic Yards
(Length x Width x Depth) / 27 = Cubic Yards
(Length x Width x Depth) / 27 = Cubic Yards
(Length x Width x Depth) / 27 = Cubic Yards